2022 Parliamentary Services Conference: Powering Parliaments of the Future

Track 1: Energising our engagement

Day Three, Track 1

Andres Lomp

Community Engagement Unit
Parliament of VIC

As Community Engagement Manager for the Parliament of Victoria, over the past seven years Andres has worked with business units across parliament to develop and implement our first and subsequent community engagement strategies. Prior to this, Andres worked at the Australian Parliament as International and Community Relations Director, playing a key role in establishing the Pacific Parliamentary Partnerships program. Andres has also undertaken capacity building and professional development work for the Inter-Parliamentary Union and United Nations Development Programme in a range of countries.

Almost a quarter of the way through the 21st century, have parliaments gone far enough or been creative enough engaging with the communities they represent? Can more be done to enliven the way we interact with the public? How can the assets of Parliamentary Services be used to foster a more innovative engagement culture?

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