2022 Parliamentary Services Conference: Powering Parliaments of the Future

Track 1: Mission-guided innovation systems

Day Two, Track 1

Matt O’Brien

First Assistant Secretary
Finance and Property Services
DPS, Parliament of AUS

Matt O’Brien is the First Assistant Secretary, Finance and Property Services, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament of Australia. The Finance and Property Services Division provides ongoing maintenance services to support the Parliament, building occupants and visitors as well as financial advice and services to the department. Matt also leads the DPS Innovation Framework and implementation. Matt commenced with DPS in April 2020. Prior to this, he was the Chief Operating Officer at Canberra Girls Grammar School. Matt has a strong background in corporate and financial management spanning 20 years. He has held senior leadership roles in the education, government and not-for-profit sectors. He previously sat on a number of boards and advisory groups primarily in the not-for-profit sector. Matt has qualifications in commerce and industrial relations, is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a Fellow of CPA Australia

DPS Innovation System

DPS have developed a Mission Guided Innovation System that can address both our strategic and tactical challenges faster, and with higher solution value, than what was previously possible. This is an “open innovation system” that identifies strategic and tactical challenges, and engages with teams to explore and validate ideas and solution to address these challenges.

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