2022 Parliamentary Services Conference: Powering Parliaments of the Future

Track 1: Where to from here? Developing a second-generation parliamentary engagement strategy

Day Three, Track 1

Hans Landon-Lane

Digital Lead
Parliament of NZ

I’m proud to be the Digital Lead in New Zealand’s Parliamentary Engagement team, working across both the Parliamentary Service and the Office of the Clerk. Prior to joining the Office as social media advisor in 2017, my previous roles included digital marketing, communications and media analysis. Since then, I’ve helped to establish our (small but mighty!) Digital team, supporting our parliament’s website, social media, intranet, videography, digital broadcasting, apps and virtual/augmented reality experiences. I’m passionate about building better relationships between the people and their parliament, and about promoting public engagement as a core function of modern legislatures.

The New Zealand Parliament has recently released its Parliament Engagement Strategy 2021-24, building on the strategy first launched in 2018. This presentation explores the process used to create the new strategy, the changes we’ve made, our plans for implementation, and some of the challenges and opportunities that come with our Parliament’s growing maturity in this area.

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