2022 Parliamentary Services Conference: Powering Parliaments of the Future

Track 2: Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Day Two, Track 2

Andrew McBride

Parliament of VIC

Andrew McBride has held the position of Manager, Information Technology for the Victorian Department of Parliamentary Services for 5 years. Andrew is responsible for providing innovative and timely technology and communication solutions to a dispersed and local customer base including Members, Electorate Offices and Parliamentary staff. His IT team is responsible for the business analysis, project management, design, procurement, installation, implementation and ongoing maintenance of all technology solutions.

Carolyn Macvean

Parliamentary Librarian
Parliament of VIC

As Manager of the Parliamentary library since 2014, Carolyn’s role is to implement the ongoing transformation of research and information services for and on behalf of Members and staff of the Parliament of Victoria, while overseeing the capture and preservation of Parliament’s heritage past.

A knowledge and information professional for over 30 years, Carolyn’s previous role was CEO of a regional library corporation. Other employers include the University of Melbourne, the CSIRO, and State and local governments where she held senior management positions.

James Scott

Parliament of VIC

James Scott has worked in broadcast production since 1998 and has been managing Hansard since 2011. Combining these two occupations with network infrastructure and project management activities has allowed James to redefine service delivery for the Parliament of Victoria.

Sue Klein

Records Management
Parliament of VIC

James Scott has worked in broadcast production since 1998 and has been managing Hansard since 2011. Combining these two occupations with network infrastructure and project management activities has allowed James to redefine service delivery for the Parliament of Victoria.

Matthew Smith

Deputy Secretary and Chief
Information Officer
Parliament of VIC

James Scott has worked in broadcast production since 1998 and has been managing Hansard since 2011. Combining these two occupations with network infrastructure and project management activities has allowed James to redefine service delivery for the Parliament of Victoria.

In this panel session, managers from the Parliament of Victoria’s Information Services area will discuss opportunities for artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve or replace existing services. Focusing on several current case studies, panellists will explore what they have learned from failures, where they are seeing success, and some of the challenges and opportunities in this space for Parliamentary services in the future.

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