2022 Parliamentary Services Conference: Powering Parliaments of the Future

Track 2: The Property Partner Model: improving Member engagement

Day Three, Track 2

Nicole Fotheringham

Property Services
Parliament of VIC

Nicole Fotheringham is the Manager of Property Services at DPS. With 20 years in the property industry, Nicole has worked across Commercial Asset Management and Residential Property Management, leasing and sales in the private sector and spent the past 12 years overseeing property operations across the state Electorate offices

Paul Pamio

Executive Director
Property and
Precinct Parliament of VIC

Paul Pamio is the Executive Director, Property and Precinct with Parliament of Victoria. Paul is an infrastructure and property specialist, having led various cross functional teams on major projects within the public and private sector. His experience spans across ports, public transport, public housing and road networks, having successfully led teams across the ‘whole of asset’ lifecycle.  Paul understands the complexities to be managed as projects transition from strategy to planning, development and delivery through to the asset management phase.

A review of the ‘Electorate Properties Unit’ in 2019 resulted in the unit’s roles and responsibilities being redefined, with a new electorate office framework and standards implemented to better align with the strategic direction of the Parliament of Victoria.  The new ‘Property Services Team’ was created from this review – a client-focused and Member-centric model to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of electorate office relocation and refurbishment projects to ensure successful outcomes within an approved framework which meet Member expectations. Property Partners are each assigned a portfolio of 18 electorate office properties and are the first point of call for all electorate office property matters and project issues, liaising with Members and electorate officers throughout the process.  We reflect on how the model performed against its key objectives in the first 2 years as it met its first challenge: service delivery and relationship building in a global pandemic.

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Track 1: Where to from here? Developing a second-generation parliamentary engagement strategy

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